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A record £1 million donated to WaterAid in 2018 by Belu

Each year, Belu choose World Water Day (22 March) to launch their latest impact report and celebrate their impact worldwide with all their partners, customers and supporters. After eight years into their charity partnership with WaterAid, Belu recently announced a big milestone: over £1 million profit was given during 2018. Highlights 1) In 2018 Belu generated an incredible £1 million profit, enough to bring clean water to over 69,000 people around the world. In total, Belu have given £4 million to WaterAid since 2011, enough to bring clean water to 270,000 people to change their lives for good. 2) Belu has continued to achieve the British Standard Institution’s Independent Carbon Neutrality Standard, PAS 2060, showing their commitment to minimising their impact on the planet. 3) Belu's highlight of 2018 is 100% growth of the Belu Filter Initiative which makes it a significant contributor to this year’s results. Deliciously Ella’s Weighhouse Street deli in London. They joined the Belu Filter Initiative to do good for both people and planet. Customers visiting the deli can help themselves to unlimited filtered still and sparkling water in return for a suggested contribution. In 2018, the contributions raised by the deli are the equivalent to transforming 323 lives worldwide with clean water. As always, Belu's intent with their impact report is to bring their approach to business to life through results, impact data and stories. This year’s report shows that if you have the right values, business model and a superb set of collaborators, you don’t have to be big to make a substantial positive difference. To read the Belu 2019 Impact Report please click here.

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